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march2023 nicaragua 1 1200 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Waslala, Nicaragua: Disciple-Making Knows No Boundaries

Disciple-making workshops in Waslala, Nicaragua have their own unique flavor, a bit different from our usual settings, but the heart of the matter always stays the same — following the model of Jesus in making disciples, one life at a time.

Here in Waslala, our time together is a vibrant reminder that disciple-making knows no boundaries, echoing Christ’s command to go to the ends of the earth. It’s incredible to see the universality of this mission, transcending differences in culture and setting.

A heartfelt thanks to Pastor Tirzo Aurora for the warm invitation to train your leadership and members, who are genuinely hungry to play their part in the Great Commission. Your enthusiasm and dedication make our mission even more fulfilling.

In these moments, we find joy and an unwavering commitment to equip the church for the task of making disciples. And how wonderful it is to be reminded that disciple-making knows no borders!

march2023 nicaragua 4 800 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
march2023 nicaragua 2 800 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

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