How to Implement

5 Easy Steps
to Implement
Becoming a
in your Church or School.
Order a Becoming A Disciple-Maker Church Starter Pack. This set contains everything you need to as a leader to prepare to bring "Becoming a Disciple-Maker" to your church or school. Note: these materials are designed for high school students through senior adults.
When they complete the course, they will be equipped to personally care for each new believer and member that enters your church on a one-to-one basis.
(Remember, the Becoming A Disciple-Maker small group course is only for your existing church members to become equipped disciple-makers – it is not for new believers and members.)
To aid with enlistment, we suggest that you give an inexpensive Becoming A Disciple-Maker Introduction Booklet (a sample pack of 10 is in your Church Starter Pack) to each prospective student so they can read and pray about joining the Becoming A Disciple-Maker small group course.
After you have personally invited and enlisted the more mature believers of your congregation to attend the Becoming A Disciple-Maker small group course, open the invitation to your entire congregation by showing one or more video segments during your worship service(s) or Wednesday night meeting. These video segments are included in your Church Starter Pack on DVD and are also available on Youtube and on this website.
At the conclusion of the videos, challenge your entire congregation to attend the Becoming A Disciple-Maker small group course by asking for a raise of hands and handing them a Small Group Participation Form. (Small Group Participation Forms are included in your Church Starter Pack.) You can purchase additional forms from the web or your materials distributor.
After you have determined the number of people who will be attending the Becoming A Disciple-Maker small group course(s), order a Becoming A Disciple-Maker Student Pack for each of them and enlist a small group leader for each 10 participants. (For example, if 20 small group participants respond, you would enlist two small group leaders to lead the courses – preferably on different days of the week and order 20 Becoming A Disciple-Maker Student’s Packs and 2 Becoming A Disciple-Maker Leader’s Packs.)
Who pays for the materials?
Many churches ask their small group participants to pay for their disciple-making materials. Other churches subsidize their materials. Still, others provide them for their selected trainees at no cost.
After your materials have arrived, gather your small group leaders together and view the How to Lead the Becoming A Disciple-Maker Small Group Course which is included in your Starter Pack on DVD and available here. After your small group leaders have been equipped, select the days the course will be offered and then contact the students, letting them know their options for attending the course.
How to Lead Becoming A Disciple-Maker in Your Church or School
After they complete Becoming A Disciple-Maker, you will have a group of trained disciple-makers ready to personally befriend and equip each new believer and member with the needed ministry skills to enjoy a lifetime of spiritual growth and evangelistic multiplication.
Coordinator Selection:
It’s very important that you select a Coordinator to oversee the disciple-making process of your church. Prayerfully ask yourself, “In our congregation, who has the heart for evangelism, genuinely cares about people, is respected, and will commit the time to oversee the ministry?” The two main roles of the Coordinator are to assign each new believer and member to a trained Disciple-Maker and track their progress using the Discipler Tracking System, (software undergoing update). Larger churches will need several Coordinators for different age groups. It is best to have male Coordinators oversee male teams and female Coordinators oversee female teams. Husband and wife Coordinators work well.
Coordinator Ministry:
When a new believer or new member enters your church, he or she customarily fills out a Decision Form (available at our on-line store) which is then given to the Coordinator. The new member is then asked if they would like to participate in a one-to-one friendship process with one of your trained disciple-makers entitled A Call to Joy (seven one-to-one sessions).
Example: (Name) we are so happy about your decision. We have a friendship process at our church entitled A Call to Joy. If you like, we can pair you with a friend who will:
• Help you get acquainted with other members at the church
• Answer any questions you might have
• Pray with you, and
• Help you develop spiritual growth skills
If the answer is “Yes,” the Coordinator contacts a trained Disciple-Maker and pairs them together. Often, these assignments are made based upon the new member’s age, special needs, spiritual history, the neighborhood where they live, or the Bible Study class they attend.
The Disciple-Maker immediately contacts the new member and they schedule when and where they will meet together weekly. These fellowship/training sessions usually include coffee, desert, or a meal at a local restaurant, home, or another mutually convenient location. The Disciple-Maker and new believer or member (referred to as a Timothy) meet once per week for 7 weeks (about 1 ½ hours per session) to develop a friendship and learn spiritual growth skills. After completing A Call to Joy, they can continue completing the eleven one-to-one sessions in A Call to Growth.
The church’s assignment process needs to be consistent and have the prayerful oversight of a highly dedicated church or staff member. May the Lord give your church faithful men and women to serve a His Disciple-Makers!
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