How to Implement Knowing God in Your Community

Are you ready to implement the Knowing God evangelistic home Bible study strategy to reach your neighborhood for Christ?

5 Easy Steps
to Implement
in your Community.
Pray for workers to go into the harvest. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)
Equip a group of disciple-makers (spiritual parents/mentors/etc.) to personally care for the new Christians who will enter your church after coming to know Christ through this evangelistc home Bible study. Get stared with the Becoming a Disciple-Maker process which leads to a lifestyle - HERE.
Invite your church's existing small group leaders to a vision casting lunch or coffee after worship services and present the Knowing God vision. Order several Leader’s Packs so they can become equipped.
Challenge them to attend four small group equipping sessions so they can be trained to lead an evangelistic Bible study at their home for their own neighborhood.
Visit - After the training is complete, each small group leader personally visits their neighbors on their street and adjacent streets and invites them to the four-week study about Knowing God.
Lead - Each small group leader presents the four week home Bible study and prayerfully seeks to lead some of their neighbors to Christ during the fourth session. Each person is personally followed up and shown how to grow in Christ.
Multiply - After this initial harvest, the pastor asks for other church members to simply host an evangelistic home Bible study for their own neighborhoods - so that your trained small group leaders can replicate the study by leading in other member homes.
- Confess all known sin in your life, submit your will to the Lord, and yield complete control of your life to God so He can fill and empower you with His Holy Spirit. “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18)
- Always pray before leading a small group Bible study and ask God to do the teaching through you. Remember, “You have been crucified with Christ” – let Christ live and speak through you. (Galatians 2:20)
- Memorize everyone’s name.
- Remember – your main goal should not be to finish each session on time. Relax and allow your group to have healthy discussions. If you need an extra week to finish the material – that’s okay!
- Be a good listener – be sincerely interested and encouraging when your group members share. Eye contact is critical.
- Never allow yourself to get in an argument with one of your small group members – even if they are argumentative. Above all – show the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control!
- If someone asks you a question that you can’t answer – don’t try to “fake” an answer. Be honest and tell them you don’t know, but you’ll try to have an answer the following week.
- One of your goals is to encourage everyone in the group to participate in discussions. If a certain member isn’t participating, ask them a non-threatening question such as, “(Name) do you have any thoughts on that subject?”
- The less you have to look at the boxed material – the more confidence the group will have in you as their leader.
- Be encouraging – if someone doesn’t answer a question exactly correct, and it isn’t a critical issue – don’t correct them – let it go. Or, you can say to the group, “Does anyone else have thoughts they would like to share about that subject?”
- When you arrive at a “fill in the blank” portion and the answer seems fairly simple, allow your group to try to fill in the blank to increase group interaction.
- Never let your group members see you look at your watch!
"May the Lord give you a rich harvest because of your faithful obedience! God has given each of us a certain amount of time on this earth. Jesus said, 'As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.' (John 9:4) Let’s make every day count! Remember, only what we do for Christ will last! 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…' " (Romans 1:16).
Vice President, International Evangelism Association