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- Billy Graham

“I want to urge you to take advantage of the opportunity to participate in Becoming a Disciple-Maker.' In my opinion, no one is more qualified to speak to those issues than Dr. Billie Hanks Jr., whom I have known for many years.”

- Billy Graham

- Will Graham

“I want to personally invite you & your church to implement this discipleship training process. God is using this New Testament course to ignite spiritual interest in lifestyle evangelism & disciple-making across the globe.”

- Will Graham

- Robert Coleman

“Billie Hanks Jr. offers down-to-earth, practical help for living a faithful Christian life.

Anyone following these Biblical guidelines cannot help but grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

- Robert Coleman

No one is more knowledgeable of disciple-making ministry and the necessity of follow-up of new believers than Billie Hanks, Jr. Learn as much as you can from him.”

Dr. Roy Fish

Dr. Roy Fish

(1930-2012) - Longtime Professor, Evangelical Leader, Soul-Winner - Southwestern, NAMB, SBC

‘Becoming A Disciple-Maker’ has proven to be a wonderful tool that allows us to provide discipleship training within our churches that is needed to help new members and new converts understand why they have established a relationship with Christ and how they can strengthen that relationship. This process teaches mature Christians how to develop relationships with new members and converts that unites them with the congregation and stimulates Christian growth for both parties. ‘Becoming A Disciple-Maker’ gives us the ability to transform the lives of struggling immature babes in Christ into mature fruitful disciples for Christ.”

Dr. Mark Crutcher

Dr. Mark Crutcher

Sr. Pastor, Mt. Olive AME Church, Orlando, FL

Without any doubt, ‘Becoming A Disciple-Maker’ is a prime tool to help church planters, pastors, and church leaders who intend to equip the saints in ‘life-to-life ministry’ and turn a church into a healthy church. I believe this material set me on the path that will lead to launching and leading a new, healthy and Biblical church! As pastor, it led me to the right materials and the right focus on the most important emphasis… ‘making disciples’”.

Rev. Martin Ortega Sr.

Rev. Martin Ortega Sr.

Pastor, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel, Midland Texas

We now have over 100 of our church family trained with ‘Becoming A Disciple-Maker’. It is so encouraging to know that every new believer in Christ has the opportunity to have a friend take them through those early, important days of their walk with the Lord. And for me as pastor, it is an additional blessing that I simply have to be an encourager and cheer leader to our lay leaders who shepherd this ministry all the way through. We are a stronger church because of ‘Becoming A Disciple-Maker.’”

Andy Davis

Andy Davis

Former Sr. Pastor, First Baptist Church, Belton, TX

Over the last ten years, I have had the opportunity of working with Dr. Billie Hanks in bringing ‘Becoming a Disciple-Maker’ to both Eastern and Western Europe. Christians and churches in many countries of that continent have been blessed by this practical strategy. This process is one of the best ways I know of to carry out the command that Jesus gave to the church to ‘make disciples of all nations.’”

Dr. Bill Wagner

Dr. Bill Wagner

Professor of Evangelism - Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

Equip Your Church Members With the Needed Tools to Become Multiplying Disciple-Makers.

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