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Ukraine Relief Efforts Update – March 19, 2022

March 19, 2022

Dear friends,

Thank you that you keep up in your heart and prayers! We would like to tell you some stories about people we were able to bring to Rivne and about God’s answers to prayers.

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Lyudmila, her daughter and 9-year-old granddaughter came from Chernihiv. Both are widows – they don’t have anyone who would care for them. At the beginning they didn’t want to leave because they thought it would end soon. Later they heard that refugees are being killed by the occupiers, so they were careful. But when the Russian army began shelling their region from 4 pm till morning and the walls of their apartment on the 5th floor were constantly shaking and the had to sit in the cold cellar with a scared and crying child, they decided to risk escaping. They heard about a church, which was helping people to leave. Lyudmila was not a believer, but it was the believing Christians which helped this family.

The time which was appointed for leaving was 5 pm. It was the last chance, they had 30 minutes to prepare. But then shelling started again and they could not leave the cellar. They thought this is their end, but a friend called and said that the departure is delayed, and they can still come. Lyudmila remembers passing by cars riddled with bullets, they saw bodies of killed people on the fields, who were not able to flee on foot.

Those who helped Lyudmila and other refugees to get out of the shelling zone were risking their lives. We do not know their names, but they knew well their Savior and believed in the resurrection.

These two widows and the girl are now in a safe place. Our Lord is doing miracles through His children and for those who still do not know Him. He is faithful to His word and cares for widows and orphans. He saved them from these horrors, that means they have time to turn to Him. We praise Him for that!

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