From our partner in ministry, Ana Jolibeth Rodriguez, Central America…
The call to fulfill the Great Commission – to make disciples of all nations – rings true for every believer, regardless of location or church size. But for those in rural areas and smaller churches, trendy models of church growth are anything but a good fit. Instead, we believe that the answer lies in personal, life-on-life disciple-making, mirroring the very model Jesus himself established.
Think of Jesus’ ministry. He didn’t simply gather massive crowds or lecture from a classroom. He walked alongside his disciples, sharing meals, engaging in conversation, answering their questions, teaching and modeling the truth. This intimate, relational approach fostered deep connections and allowed him to invest in their lives one-on-one.

In rural communities, this life-on-life approach resonates deeply. It’s about building genuine relationships, one person at a time. Trust and authenticity are paramount, and as relationships develop and living by God’s Word is modeled, a lifestyle of following Christ takes deep roots. It’s through these genuine connections that a deeper understanding of how to walk with Christ’s flourishes, naturally compelling believers to share their faith with others. By following Jesus’ model of personal investment, rural churches and believers can fulfill the Great Commission in an eternally impactful way.