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BillieHanks Prayers and Praise2 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Please Pray for our upcoming Brazilian and Spanish ministry

Brazil’s population of ~213 million and its huge landmass, make it highly important to the Great Commission. After months of planning, we are grateful that 34 highly dedicated evangelical leaders representing numerous denominations will arrive in Salado, Texas today – Monday, February 17th. We will be helping them develop a national decade strategy to saturate their states with equipped disciple-makers in thousands of their evangelical churches!

Then, on Monday, February 24th -27th, we will be joined by 25 Spanish language evangelical leaders representing their denominations from different parts of the United States. We will be doing the same thing for key cities across the nation. BGEA’s training ministry at The Cove will be represented, as we work on a unified plan for the decade. Our prayer goal is to equip our generation’s North American churches for lifestyle evangelism and disciple-making. In every participating host city, we will be planning for multiple stadium evangelistic Celebrations to be preached by Will Graham.

Please join us in prayer for these two strategic ministries which will be taking place in Salado, Texas. Thanks for your faithfulness!

In Shared Vision,

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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