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brazil wd feb2024 map 1200 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Multiplying Disciple-Making in the Amazon

Allow us to introduce another Becoming a Disciple-Maker teammate in ministry… Willi Dyck, a lifelong missionary in Brazil.

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Willi has had a busy year, conducting multiple disciple-maker workshops in Brazil.  He introduced “Becoming a Disciple-Maker” to mission boards, and at various conferences in his region of the country.

Willi brings an exciting report from a recent trip into the Amazon of Brazil….
“Last week I came back from the Amazon region – training a church in Ipixuna.  12 couples, all of them leaders in the local church, were trained. The church has 130 members, and now all of them will be personally discipled!”
A replicable process of relational disciple-making is a definitely a far cry from “business as usual”  in many churches around the world.  We pray that the transferrable process of “Becoming a Disciple-Maker” will be used by the Lord to help complete the Great Commission in the Amazon, and in all the people groups of the earth.
brazil wd feb2024 1 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

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