We are grateful to Pastor Ronald Vargas of CAFI Church in Santo Domingo de Heredia, Costa Rica for hosting a recent workshop for “Becoming a Disciple-Maker.” More than 90 leaders were trained to equip their churches’ own disciple-makers in the small group context, so that those disciple-makers may then go and actually disciple new believers, one-on-one through “A Call to Joy.”
We believe that effective local church disciple-makers are built in the context of Christ-centered relationships, not lectures. Our workshops where we equip leaders may look large, but these leaders then return to their churches and actually equip their own people in small groups of 10-12.
Instead of a big classroom setting, these 12 week small group equipping gatherings create a warm, friendly atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable participating. Discussions are open and interactive, allowing participants to learn from the Word of God, and from each other’s experiences. Seasoned disciple-makers can offer guidance and encouragement to first-time disciple-makers, fostering a spirit of teamwork and support. This foundation of connection is key and it helps equip each member to confidently share the love of God with the world, and to personally care for each new believer in Christ.