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masterplanheader1 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker


“Could there be a more natural setting for the meeting of Christian family? They gathered at home, where they lived their faith every day. In this relaxed atmosphere they learned together even as they shared one another’s burdens. What better place could there be for the people of God to experience the closeness of their love?” “

By teachers and pupils being together, they were continually able to learn in the real laboratory of the world. Whatever happened along the way presented an occasion for teaching and reflection. Though unassuming, it was a powerful experience of discipleship.”

“The early church made special effort to bring new converts, without delay, into close relationships with other believers.”

The apostle Paul worked this way. He spent time with them, he followed up, backtracked, and he arranged for others to be with them. Teaching, Discipleship, and Accountability.

“Reproduction through discipling is the pattern of the evangelistic explosion all through the book of Acts….It was in the marketplaces, the shops, along the streets and alleyways, where the people lived and worked every day, that the world was being turned upside down.”

“Our education will not be much better than our teachers, or the opportunity to learn much more than the way the teacher and student can be together.”

― Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism


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