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BillieHanks Prayers and Praise2 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Manila Ministry Report

We deeply appreciate your prayer support during the eight wonderful days of Metro Manila’s Celebration. We can thank God that 149,000 people were privileged to hear the gospel, and about 21,000 of them made decisions for Christ!

We were greatly pleased that the business and professional leaders banquet grew to 1,505! Both Will Graham and I spoke and 37% signed the decision cards at their tables.

Dr. Theresa Lua, who serves as secretary general of the Asia Theological Association, represented 320 accredited seminaries at IEA’s academic luncheon. The other presidents and deans represented the many other Bible colleges and seminaries across the Philippines. They graciously invited our team to Singapore to address them next August and to the Philippines next September.

Dr. Joseph Shao, who formerly served as secretary general of the ATA and his wife, Rosa Shao, officially joined IEA’s ministry team. They will lead the global mission to partner with 1,000 or more Christians institutions. Our goal will be to offer applied ministry practicums for personal evangelism and New Testament disciple-making world-wide!

I am writing you from Bangkok where we continue to need for your prayer support for the meetings here. Hong Kong will be next on March 1st through the 3rd.
In Shared Vision,


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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