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BillieHanks Prayers and Praise2 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Prayer for Nicaragua

This Saturday, I would appreciate your prayers as our staff member, Alejandro Fernandez of Uruguay, joins me in teaching approximately 400 small group leaders and about 100 pastors in Nicaragua. For six hours, their Disciple-Making Workshop will be conducted near their national capital city of Managua. This will take place in preparation for next January’s much larger ministry where they expect an additional 2,500 pastors and small group leaders. Their population of over six million currently includes about one-million evangelical Christians.

As in so many parts of the world, Nicaragua’s financial situation is challenging, so the cost of their materials is being subsidized by generous support from participating churches in countries like Chili, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, and Panama which have stronger economies. We praise God for their giving spirit which is directed toward fulfilling the Great Commission. Thanks for your prayers!


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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