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IEA FBNotes Devo 07 Jesus • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Jesus – The Disciple-Maker’s Devotional

When the Lord Jesus stated that, “No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only…” (John 1:18), this was a reference to His divinity. His first century audience was Jewish and their monotheistic understanding of deity had already been fashioned from generations of inspired teaching by godly priests and prophets. Across the centuries, before our Lord’s incarnation, God was best known as Jehovah, the eternal – “I AM!”

In John 8:56, Jesus said, “Your father Abraham was overjoyed that he would see My day; he saw it and rejoiced.” Those words created a major sensation, but why? The Jewish leaders began to understand that He was claiming to be far more than a good man or a wise Rabbi. It soon became obvious that He was much more than a great prophet sent by God. His authority went far beyond that and was something never seen on earth before. The God fearing Hebrews of that day comprehended the deep meaning of His words, “…before Abraham was – “I AM.” (John 8:58) Additionally, His claim to pre-existence was not missed by the unbelieving Pharisees, so “At this, they picked up stones to throw them at Him.” (John 8:59)

His sinless life, agape love, and confirming miracles demonstrated that His incarnation was real! The eternal Word (John 1:1-2) who had always been God, in the fullness of time, actually became a man. He was, for 33 years, flesh and blood like us. (John 1:14) He came to us out of heaven’s love and His divine purpose was to be our Savior! This is why He proclaimed, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)

Scripture declares that, “…the Lord Jesus was fully God in His nature.” (Phil 2: 6) This is why He had no need or desire to seek equality with His heavenly Father. Their equality in nature had always existed! That equality was the very essence of who the Lord Jesus had always been. This eternal reality never pertained to a hierarchy within the Godhead. Just as a human father and son are equally “bone and flesh,” so God the Father and God the Son are equally “holy and eternal.” These are the timeless dimensions of – God’s nature.

The trinity is based on the threefold truth that “God is Spirit” (John 4:24), “God is Son” (Hebrew 1:8), and “God is Father” (1 Corinthians 8:6) – yet these three have always been and will eternally beOne (Isaiah 44:6). Each per-son in the trinity is equally holy, divine, sinless, and eternal. They are One, yet three in perfect harmony and unity!

The fact that at the end of time, God the Son will submit Himself to the Father, (1 Corinthians 15:28) is based on the same principle as God, the Son – “I Am,” commissioning God the Holy Spirit, to come indwell believers following His ascension and Pentecost (John 16:7b). The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to exalt the Son, just as the Son exalts the Father (Matthew3:17) and the Father exalts the Son (Mark 1:11). The focus of all Scripture resides in the holy, timeless, and progressive revelation of our one true – living and triune God.

Agreeing with the Lord Jesus Christ about His divinity and believing on His name as the risen Lord (Romans 10: 9-10) are mankind’s solitary God-given gateway to heaven! When sincerely offered, our confession of faith (Romans 10:9-10) is the life-changing event that begins the process of our salvation. It is this glorious salvation that includes all of history’s redeemed and constitutes the eternal family of God (John 1:12).

To reject the divinity of God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit is equally to reject – God’s salvation! As you witness today, remember that regardless of whom a man may be or what he thinks, he can only come to God on His – terms. “I AM” has already fully revealed Himself. He did this when and as He chose – once for all of time. Eternal life was made available through Him alone. We therefore have no greater privilege in life than to personally know, love, and faithfully serve Jesus the Christ – our own living Lord, who, “… is at the Father’s side…”

– By Billie Hanks Jr.

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