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IEA FBNotes Devo 08 Assurance • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Assurance for Believers – The Disciple-Maker’s Devotional

Addressing a group of Christians, Charles Spurgeon, Britain’s greatly loved 19th century preacher once asked, “How could we grieve our God by ever doubting His upholding grace? It is contrary to every promise in His precious Word that we should ever be forgotten or be left to perish.”

Quietly pause to contemplate the unshakable certainty of the word never used in John by our Lord. In context, He was speaking about us as believers when He said, “…I give them eternal life, and they will never perish…” Consider this theological reality – If even one forgiven sinner who placed his or her faith in the Savior were to die and be separated from God – then all of the Holy Spirit’s other promises in the Bible would be rendered meaningless! Jesus words…

“…no one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.” (John 10:29b)

would mean nothing. We could then have no assurance of salvation. Fortunately, however, just the opposite is true!

Jesus said, “I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the [Holy] Spirit will not be forgiven.” (Matthew 12:31) Except for blasphemy against the Spirit of God, our sins have already been paid for by our Savior. This is the wonder of grace! God’s assurance of salvation is fully available. It only needs to be appropriated by sincere faith in Jesus Christ. In one solitary, eternity-impacting moment – our heartfelt “yes” makes all the difference. In that deeply sincere act of our will, God’s grace becomes personally, freely, and permanently ours! Said another way, potentially, the gift of eternal life already belongs to every person on earth. However, that peace and security only becomes experientially ours – when we stop trying and start trusting!

Self-help is of absolutely no benefit when it comes to the issue of eternal life. Everything rests in the finished work of Jesus Christ – alone! The Bible explains that we stand utterly helpless when it comes to removing the eternal stain of our iniquity. Only God’s sacrifice possesses enough power to cleanse and forgive our sin. His limitless capacity to change us from within overwhelms our understanding! For time and all eternity, Heaven’s promises were forever sealed when Jesus Christ secured our salvation. This transaction took place at the moment of His death. God’s miracle of grace provided substance to our forgiveness when – Jesus painfully announced, “It is finished…!” (John 19:30) With that declaration of victory – our Savior literally became the sin of all mankind! In that divine moment of fathomless love, an unseen spiritual exchange took place making eternal life possible! The Bible explains this miracle saying,

 “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”  (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Our assurance rests securely in our Father’s hands so our fears and doubts can be banished. The timeless truth is – “… with God nothing is impossible.” (Luke 1:37) Instead of endless questioning, start rejoicing! Remember that doubt dishonors truth and cannot express thanksgiving for what heaven planned on our behalf. Doubt belittles the amazing evidence of God’s divine love. Did He not clearly say, “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” (Hebrews 10:17b) and did He not say, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5b)

In a hurting, rebellious world, the privilege given to every Christian witness is the ability to share heaven’s joy with confidence. Assurance is at the very heart of your testimony! Remember that reliance on one’s own limited goodness and inconsistent works will predictably be used by our enemy to produce guilt and fear. It is faith alone that brings the peace and joy of eternal life. Assurance – is the gift of God!

– By Billie Hanks

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