Many churches have no intentional process for personal training designed to successfully assimilate new members. Consequently, pastors are merely left to hope their church’s new members will find dedicated Christians to disciple them. This frequent but often unrecognized omission leaves their “back doors” wide open! In contrast, many churches like yours are now providing a long-term disciple-making process because they want to welcome, encourage, and equip their new members. This is the underlying reason your pastor and church staff have adopted this life-changing course of instruction. Both the Scriptures and the concepts you’ll receive will help you prepare future generations of disciple-makers for their ministries.
The Lord clearly revealed His deep personal concern about the special needs of new Christians. For example, He asked, “Simon son of John, do you love me…?” When Simon Peter answered, “Yes, Lord” the Lord replied, “Tend my lambs.” (John 21:15) Our Good Shepherd made it perfectly clear that investing in new believers’ lives unmistakably demonstrates our love for God.