That it is an unrealistic approach. There is the story of the man who told Dwight L. Moody, the famous evangelist, that he didn’t like his method of evangelism. Moody said he wasn’t too happy with it himself, then asked the man what method he used. The man answered, “Oh, I don’t have any method” Moody replied, “Well, I lie mine better than yours.”
True, if those who had begun the multiplication process thirty‐two years ago had succeeded with every convert and disciple, the entire world would by now have been totally reached for Christ. Weak links in the chain break the reproductive process. Every time you lose a link you cut your ultimate production in half. This is the reason why quality discipling is so important.
That you must see immediate, measurable results. It took Jesus three years to train twelve people… and really only three men in great depth. Why are we in such a hurry? In our society of “instantness” we want instant disciples. There is no such thing in all the history of the church.
That it will always succeed. Obviously, it won’t. There will always be weak links. The story of Gehazi, a disciple of Elisha in 2 Kings (5:15‐16, 21‐27), is a good example of this. Gehazi had every opportunity to learn. He saw Elisha heal the city’s waters, which had produced barrenness; he saw bears attack the young men who had made fun of Elisha; he heard Elisha prauy and saw God’s answer as He filled ditches with water so that the men and animals could drink when fighting the Moabites; he saw the widow supplied supernaturally with enough oil to sell and pay off her debts and have sufficient remaining to live on; he saw the raising of the dead son of the Shunammite woman; he saw the poisoned pot of vegetables, which the sons of the prophets had tasted, made pure by Elisha’s throwing in a handful of meal; he saw Naaman the leper healed. And yet, in the end, Gehazi failed. One of the great misconceptions in working with people is that you always succeed. You don’t.
– From “Making Disciples,” Gene Warr. Used by permission of the author.