“The earth is the Lord’s…”
– Psalm 24:1a
Part One
“Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could,” were the memorable lyrics written by Rogers and Hammerstein, who wrote The Sound of Music. They inspired us to thoughtfully remember the timeless roles of cause and effect. God’s self-disclosure as the universal cause explains why nothing ever existed without His divine planning. This is why the Bible begins with the words, “In the beginning God created…” (Genesis 1:1). He personally generated and has magnificently sustained the ever-expanding process of creation. The Bible explains, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:17)
Every complex aspect of the universe reflects God’s eternal nature and creative initiative (see Isaiah 44:24b). He revealed that the universal beginning of everything that exists, was originated by His will and spoken Word. This is why the Bible simply states, “… God created the heavens and the earth,” (Genesis 1:1) and “In the beginning was the Word, and … All things were made by Him…” (John 1:1, 3 also see Hebrews 1:10). The amazing universe around us in its multiple layers is referred to as the heavens. Our own small planet is referred to by God as the earth.
Part Two
It is only knowing God that brings comprehension related to the amazing reason behind the creation of His limitless universe. Mankind studies and explores what He has made, but without Biblical knowledge of His purpose. Science merely assembles endless new facts providing no ultimate answers. As Christians, we enjoy the capacity to respond to God’s creative power with awe and profound gratitude. This spiritual understanding uniquely constitutes our highest human privilege!
Mankind’s sovereignly given opportunity to experience a personal relationship with our Creator defines the momentous purpose for everything else that exists. His redemptive plan was revealed through the teaching of His Son. Jesus explained, “I have come to seek and save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Incredibly, our Creator actually wants us – to personally know Him and enjoy His fellowship. This is why He intentionally chose to reveal His plan to us. All of this occurred and continues to occur on His own sovereign timetable. This is why the Bible uses the words, “… in the fullness of time…” (see 1 John 5:7)
Part Three
We were perfectly created to be body, soul, and spirit (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23) in God’s image – so we alone in the fathomless depth of His grace were formed to be like Him. We were uniquely fashioned to function with three complimentary features and yet be – one! His divine nature has always been the compelling mystery behind what He has progressively revealed, and our understanding is part of that process. We were blessed to discover life’s true meaning through the writings of His inspired Hebrew prophets. Finally, the cross and His resurrection made His plan forever known to all those who were seeking to understand the purpose for their existence.
To confirm the truth which God explains to be universally and fully revealed, the Scripture explains, “…what can be known about God is evident…because He has shown it to [us]. For His invisible attributes, that is His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world…” (Romans 1:19-20) Our dear Lord is not in hiding and He never has been. The wonder of His creation is everywhere, and He gave us the capacity to understand Him.
Part Four
Historically, without the verbal and written reports of reliable witnesses, mankind’s distant past and our knowledge of creation itself would have long been lost. God’s profound process of progressive self-revelation would have also been forgotten if it had not been faithfully recorded. This took place through a long succession of highly dedicated and inspired authors. This is why the Torah and the New Testament have, for more than two millennium, been and continue to be – the world’s two most – highly valued, exhaustively researched, and widely circulated ancient written documents. They seamlessly connect and archeology has proven them to have been authentically passed down, maintained, and relied on from one generation to the next.
Without the Biblical descriptions of factual events and their documented dates with locations, mankind’s history would have no reliable context. Even more importantly, without God’s recorded self-revelation, we would have no way of understanding the actual purpose for our existence. Humanity’s presence and our reason for being here on earth would have remained – an unanswerable mystery!
It was God’s divinely timed advent fulfilled through His Son’s – miraculous birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, and victorious resurrection that fully demonstrated the redemptive reason behind all that – exists! One solitary life fulfilled the purpose and explained the meaning of creation. It was the Messiah’s sinless purity, wisdom, and mercy that enabled us to closely observe – God’s divine nature. Pause to quietly reflect on the fathomless depth of God’s unparalleled love and awesome power. Speaking of our Savior, Scripture explains, “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was created.” (John 1:3)