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Why New Testament Disciple-Making Is Vitally Important

New believers deserve far more than a handshake when they join any Christian church. They need a Christ-centered friendship! This requires having believers who are prepared to walk with them while investing in their lives. Through such spiritual friendships, your church’s new members will learn how to grow, use their spiritual gifts, and feel welcome in the church. To assist with this ministry, you will be equipped to personally disciple new members and help them develop a network of spiritually motivated Christian friends. In addition to providing spiritual fellowship, you will answer new members’ questions and become their personal prayer partner. Through this relational ministry, every person discipled will be encouraged to join a Bible-study group and faithfully participate in worship. This investment of time and spiritual influence is based on instructive verses like Proverbs 13:20a:

“He who walks with wise men will be wise…”

Experience has demonstrated that accelerated Christian growth takes place naturally in the context of a meaningful spiritual relationship with a more mature fellow believer.

― Billie Hanks Jr. with Randy Craig, “Becoming a Disciple-Maker”

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