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Инвестируйте свое время, жизнь и любовь в дружеские отношения, ориентированные на Христа, которые ведут к духовному росту и умножению евангелизации.

  • Be His Witnesses

    Instill a lifestyle of daily, prayer-filled witnessing, & equip church members with tools for effective evangelism.

  • Who We Are

    International Evangelism Association - laboring for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through lifestyle evangelism and personal disciple-making for 50 years and beyond.

  • Where We Serve

    40 countries. 25 languages. Nearly 200 denominations. Ready, by faith, for God's next open door.

make disciples
evangelism effective share faith • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
whoweare • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
international evangelism association countries languages • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
  • Be His Witnesses

    Instill a lifestyle of daily, prayer-filled witnessing, & equip church members with tools for effective evangelism.

  • Who We Are

    International Evangelism Association - laboring for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through lifestyle evangelism and personal disciple-making for 50 years and beyond.

  • Where We Serve

    40 countries. 25 languages. Nearly 200 denominations. Ready, by faith, for God's next open door.

make disciples
evangelism effective share faith • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
whoweare • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
international evangelism association countries languages • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Вооружение церквей по всему миру для выполнения двух последних повелений Иисуса...

"Итак, идите и
- Делайте учеников все народы..."
- Матфея 28:19


Intentional Life-on-Life Disciple-Making Interwoven with Small Group Teaching & Equipping

Миссия "Стать учеником" - помочь церквям и семинариям ПОДГОТОВИТЬ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ - лично подружить и оснастить каждого нового члена церкви необходимыми навыками служения, чтобы он всю жизнь наслаждался духовным ростом и евангелизационным умножением.

Создание учеников

1 what is disciple making • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
1. What is Disciple-Making?


why this method of disciple making • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
2. Why This Method?


how to get started disciple making • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
3. How to Get Started


disciple making tools and resources • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
4. Order Materials


billygraham 300 • Becoming a Disciple-Maker

"Be My Witness .... to the Ends of the Earth"
- Acts 1:8

A Prayer-filled Daily Evangelistic Lifestyle - Equipped with Biblical Tools to Reach Those Around You for Christ


Share Your Faith

pray share Christ share my faith • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
A Call to Pray

The Challenge

how do i share my faith • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
Evangelistic Strategy

Knowing God

evangelistic tools and resources • Becoming a Disciple-Maker
Order Materials


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