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Chiang Rai Thailand Disciple-Makers

25.11.18 – Más de 100 Hacedores de Discípulos en Chiang Rai, Tailandia fueron entrenados para multiplicarse y hacer discípulos que hacen discípulos. ¡Oremos por ellos mientras buscan cumplir la Gran Comisión en esta tierra donde aún menos del 1% de la población conoce a Cristo!

(Google Translate)


11.25.18 – More than 100 Disciple-makers in Chiang Rai, Thailand were trained to multiply and make disciples who make disciples. Please pray for them as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission in this land where still less than 1% of the population knows Christ!

Thanks to Adjaan Sam, Dr. Veraded, and Patty for your leadership, and your labor together in the Great Commission.

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