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A Call To Growth Discipler’s Pack


After your equipped disciple makers lead a new believer or member through 7 one-to-one sessions in A Call to Joy, they can use this A Call to Growth Discipler’s Pack to lead a new believer or member through 11 additional one-to-one sessions. You will also need to order an A Call to Growth Timothy’s Pack for the new believer or member. Each pack includes an A Call to Growth Discipler’s Guide, A Call to Growth Timothy’s Guide, Spiritual Journal, and two Steps to Peace With God evangelistic booklets.

SKU: 1GD2 Categories: ,


After your equipped disciple makers lead a new believer or member through 7 one-to-one sessions in A Call to Joy, they can use this A Call to Growth Discipler’s Pack to lead a new believer or member through 11 additional one-to-one sessions. You will also need to order an A Call to Growth Timothy’s Pack for the new believer or member. Each pack includes an A Call to Growth Discipler’s Guide, A Call to Growth Timothy’s Guide, Spiritual Journal, and two Steps to Peace With God evangelistic booklets.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in

Английский язык, Испанский, Китайский традиционный, Немецкий, Русский, Тайский, Упрощенный китайский язык


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